

Deep Learning Frameworks

This collection contains performance-optimized AI frameworks including PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Deep Learning Frameworks

2022年12月1日 — DL frameworks offer building blocks for designing, training, and validating deep neural networks through a high-level programming interface.

Modulus - A Neural Network Framework

NVIDIA Modulus is an open-source framework for building, training, and fine-tuning Physics-ML models with a simple Python interface.

NVIDIA Optimized Frameworks

2023年4月18日 — The Apache MXNet framework delivers high convolutional neural network performance and multi-GPU training, provides automatic differentiation, ...

Frameworks Support Matrix

4 天前 — This support matrix is for NVIDIA® optimized frameworks. The matrix provides a single view into the supported software and specific versions ...


NeMo Framework has been updated with state-of-the-art features, such as FSDP, Mixture-of-Experts, and RLHF with TensorRT-LLM to provide speedups up to 4.2x for ...

NVIDIA NGC 系統:AI 模型加速應用程式開發

NVIDIA GPU 提供最佳代的AI 人工智慧模型、企業服務和支援。政府組織、500 強企業,甚至是人工智慧新創公司,都使用NGC 目錄中的軟體來打造新一代的應用程式。

NeMo 框架

NVIDIA NeMo™ 是一款端對端的雲端原生框架,可用於在任何地方建置、自訂和部署生成式人工智慧模型。其中包含訓練和推論框架、防護工具組、資料統籌工具和預先訓練 ...


NVIDIA BioNeMo™ 是藥物研發的生成式人工智慧平台,可簡化並加速以自有資料進行的模型訓練,並擴大藥物研發應用程式的模型部署。BioNeMo 為人工智慧模型開發和部署提供 ...